Sunday, June 6, 2010


So I realized I had saved all these posts on my computer, but had not put them up, so here are the rest:

This morning we tried going to a museum with one of the Easter Island statues, but unfortunately it (along with most other museums apparently) was still closed because of the earthquake. After that we headed to this one street across the bridge with a lot of shops. It was a pretty crowded street, but it was kind of fun to see all the different people doing their Saturday shopping. To be honest, it really wasn’t all that different from something you’d see in the U.S. other than the fact that everyone was speaking Spanish. We went to a few artisan places, which were really neat, and everyone caught up on their gift buying. When we were done shopping we went to a really nice little Italian restaurant that had great food. Everyone was pretty tired at that point so we headed back to the hotel, and took a quick rest before heading down to the beach where there were little shops. Another short rest after that before a few of us went to dinner with Jo and Ben; dinner was really fun and we had some great food (especially dessert – mango mousse and tequila flambĂ©ed fruit). We weren’t sure if we were going to go out since everyone was so tired, but in the end we headed to a party on the roof of Camilo’s apartment building, which has a great view. The parties there are always fun just because you get to meet so many new people.

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